Monday 30 June 2008


~To be noted, future blogs will be posted every sunday. This should be the only week that will feature two~

This week's blog will be about stereotypes. It'll cover what they are, how to deal with them, how to avoid them[if wanted], and what can make a stereotype.

Let's face it, life is full of stereotypes. Generally, it helps us get a better insight on others around us. The thing of it is, stereotypes themselves are biased, and usually based on a collection of different aspects from one part of a situation. What a lot of people don't realize, is that everyone is different, right down to the fingertips, literally. Just about anything can be stereotyped, however; most likely, if it's common enough. More often than not, fads and trends are placed into already existing stereotypes, which can both broaden and narrow certain people into a stereotype.

When I was made, I broke the mold. I've been stereotyped for many things, and I break almost every one of them; as do most people. Stereotypes, however, aren't always a good thing. Take for example black, or homosexual stereotypes. Both groups of people have suffered much persecution because they were stereotyped. Violent crimes, some still unjustified, were commited against these two groups, rooted to stereotyping, and racism[but that's subject for another blog]. The point is, stereotyping is not always helpful, however, they still can be.

In detrimental situations, stereotyping actually helps us protect ourselves against any possible threat that may occur. Take for example if a young woman is walking alone at night. She'll most likely stereotype the situation that anyone around her is potentially a threat, whether it be a mugger, a killer, a rapist, etc. The woman can then assess the situation better, and knows now to avoid anyone she sees, or places someone could easily hide to attack her. Most people would consider this common sense, and in general, it is; but my philosophy is that everything isn't always what it seems.

I'm not someone who intentionally stereotypes, or bases my opinions of someone based on them. Looks can be decieving, and you can't always expect that everything is what it appears to be. Beneath the surface, lies another human being. As/if you continue reading my future blogs, you'll notice that I emphasize, a lot, about what it means to be human. I value myself as a human, and strive to figure out what it means to be such; but I also value the human life of every other person in this world, and feel that each one should deserve equal chance to search for what being human really means. So when I meet another person, I don't tend to stereotype, no matter how much they fit the profile. I'd rather not be stereotyped, so why would I stereotype others? Instead, I choose to laugh about stereotypes. It's one thing everyone can relate to in one way or another. It's a part of life, and the best thing you can do is to just accept it. Don't dwell on it, but live with it. Like our earth accepts and co-exists with the animals, people, plants etc. that are on in, so should we simply co-exist HARMONIOUSLY with stereotyping.

Overall, stereotyping isn't somthing that will leave us as humans for a long time, if ever. It can be a useful skill, but a deadly one as well. All we can do is co-exist with it. No one like unnecessary drama, so there's no use causing some by stereotyping. Remember that everything isn't what it seems, and gets deeper below the surface.

You can post your comments on this blog, or e-mail them. If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or comments you'd like to personally send to me, simply e-mail them to Please clearly reference this blog[Stereotypes-"basis of email"]in the title of your e-mail. If you would like advice regarding stereotypes, just e-mail me at the above address, and simply add "Advice" in the title.

remember, I can always use suggestions for new blogs!

thankyou, I hope you enjoyed my blog. Check in Sunday, July 6 for the next blog topic.


About Advice-Read for information on my advice.

If you would like some honest, genuine advice for things happening in your life, go ahead and ask! To protect my readers, and their identities, I ask that you use an alias in your e-mails, so if/when they're posted, your identies are safe. ALSO! If you'd like for your advice to NOT be published, PLEASE say so. I choose people's questions based on what the blog of the upcoming week is about; so, if you don't yours issued, then don't hesitate to say so.

Again, send your questions to, and remember to clearly reference this blog in the title of your e-mail; also state it's for the advice section.


Welcome to Anything BUT Ordinary. This is a series of blogs telling stories of my life, what happens, how I handle it, and what my outlooks are. It's intended to give a different look at life, to those who need a wise word to reference. I'm an old soul in a young body, looking to live life to its fullest. I hope that in this lifetime [if there are more than one], I can experience everything. Some day I hope to answer: What it means to be human; What my purpose is in life; where do i fit, in the grand design; how can I live life to its fullest; and where can i go from here. Most people ask these questions, but no one seems to have answers. It's only natural to say that some things in life cannot simply be answered; BUT, we can make theories. I live by my own philosophies, and hope that I help as many people as i can during my lifetime. If there's one thing im sure of in life, it's that I'm meant to help people. I don't know why exactly, but it seems to be my calling. So, that's just what I'll do. I'll help people.

Even though there are millions of people in this world, each one has a million problems, thoughts, sorrows, memories, goals, hopes, dreams, and lives that they live. People intrigue me. I wonder what people think, why they think it, and what makes them think that way. I'm not a very scientific person, and haven't much interest, in this aspect, as to what makes the brain think...specifically, I want to know what drives people...

To help my readers, I'll feature and advice section to my blogs each week. Like most advice giving writings, your questions will be sent to me, and I'll choose a few to answer each week. As always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions, feel free to send those as well. You can send your e-mails to PLEASE, title your emails specifically referencing this blog; otherwise ill end up marking them as spam! Thankyou for your time! I hope to hear from you all!